The AADE platform for the submission of applications by citizens who meet the new expanded income and property criteria in order to receive the heating allowance reopens.
The next payment is expected to be made:
Until February 28 for all purchases that will be invoiced until January 31, 2021 and provided that the required data has been registered until February 15, 2022.
Until April 29, 2022 for purchases that will be invoiced until March 31, 2022 and provided that the required information has been registered by April 15, 2022.
Especially for natural gas, purchase documents for the period 1/10/2021 to 31/3/2022, with the date of issue of the payment document until 16 May 2022 will be registered until 31 May 2022 with the corresponding amount of allowance to be paid by 15 June 2022.
- Based on the new expanded income criteria, the annual total family income, regardless of its source, real and imputed, amounts to:
- up to 14,000 euros for a single or obligated widow or widower and
- 20,000 euros for a married taxpayer or married persons or parties to a cohabitation agreement who file a separate tax return or married people who file a tax return or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have filed a joint tax return without children.
- The amount is increased by 3,000 euros for each child.
- For the single-parent family the income amounts to 23,000 euros, which is increased by 3,000 euros for each child after the first.
- The annual total family income does not include that which is cumulatively exempt from income tax and solidarity contribution.
Regarding the new property criteria, the total value of the real estate, as it is determined for the calculation of the additional EN.F.IA., which results from the act of administrative determination of EN.F.IA. of the year 2021, liable, spouse or party to a cohabitation agreement and dependent, children, listed in the income tax return of the tax year 2020, must not exceed the amount of:
- 180,000 euros for the unmarried, the obligated in widowhood or in divorce and
- 300,000 euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.
The application is submitted on the platform of AADE “myTHERMANSI”, in which the following data should be indicated on a case by case basis:
- The Tax Registration number of the applicant – taxpayer.
- His name.
- The number of his dependent children.
- The indication if it is an apartment building and the electricity supply number of the property of the main residence.
- The postal address that corresponds to the specific electricity supply, if the house is privately owned, rented or granted free of charge, as well as the TIN. of the lessor or the freeor.
- The square meters of main areas of the main residence at the time of application.
- The type of fuel or thermal energy to be subsidized.
- His contact details (email address, mobile or landline number).
- Before finalizing the application, the IBAN account number must be declared, which belongs to the beneficiary and to whom he wishes to be credited the amount of the allowance.
For the other fuels, except for heating oil, the number of the receipt of purchase of fuel or consumption of thermal energy through district heating, the amount / value of the transaction, the Tax Registration Number and the name of the company – seller of heating or energy.
It is not acceptable to fill in the personalized account number information (IBAN) that does not belong to the beneficiary of the allowance.
In addition, it is not acceptable to use the same power supply number for more than two beneficiaries during the same period.
The proof of purchase of heating oil must be issued to the TIN of the applicant, ie to the TIN corresponding to the TAXISnet codes with which the electronic application will be submitted.
In the case of an apartment building, the heating oil purchase document must be issued either to the VAT number of the apartment building, if it exists, or to the VAT number corresponding to the TAXISnet codes with which the profile of the apartment building was created.