The online platform myΘέρμανση by AADE, where the beneficiaries can submit the relevant applications until December 15, in order to receive the heating allowance, was opened on Monday night.
By the 10th of December, the heating allowance will be paid by those who apply by the end of the month and were also beneficiaries during the winter period 2020/2021, according to a Joint Ministerial Decision published late last night, Monday night.
New beneficiaries arising either from the widening of the criteria, income and property, or due to the granting of the allowance to new categories of citizens using other forms of heating, such as gas, district heating or firewood (in areas with more than 2,500 inhabitants and below 3,500 residents who were not on the list of beneficiaries last year) will receive the advance payment by the end of December, provided that they also apply by the end of November.
According to the JMC, the amount of the heating allowance is paid in three installments:
- Until December 30, 2021 for all purchases that will be invoiced until November 30, 2021 and subject to the registration of the required data until December 15, 2021.
- Until the 28th of February 2022 for all the purchases that will be invoiced until the 31st of January 2022 and under the condition of the registration of the required data until the 15th of February 2022.
- Until April 29, 2022 for all purchases that will be invoiced until March 31, 2022 and subject to the registration of the required data until April 15, 2022. Specifically for natural gas will be registered until May 31, 2022 purchase documents for the period 1.10 .2021 to 31.03.2022 with the date of issue of the payment document until 16 May 2022 and the corresponding amount of allowance will be paid by 15 June 2022.
The payment of the above installments takes place after the deduction of the paid advance.
Criteria for granting the heating allowance
a. Income:
Their annual total family income, regardless of its source, real and imputed, amounts to 14,000 euros for a single or widowed or part-time widower and 20,000 euros for a married debtor or the married parties or parties to the cohabitation agreement separate tax return (legal aid or bankruptcy), or married people who file a tax return under circumstance b of par. 4 of article 67 of Law 4172/2013 or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have submitted a joint tax return without children, which is increased by 3,000 euros for each child. Similarly, for the single-parent family the above income amounts to 23,000 euros, which is increased by 3,000 euros for each child after the first. The annual total family income does not include that which is cumulatively exempt from income tax and solidarity contribution.
The data of the Individual Income Tax Return of the tax year 2020 are used to determine the marital status, the number of children, as well as the income criteria. children who has been declared in one of the two (2) declarations.
b. Real estate:
The total value of the real estate, as it is determined for the calculation of the additional EN.F.IA., which results from the act of administrative determination of EN.F.IA. of the year 2021, liable, spouse or part of a cohabitation agreement and dependent, according to Law 4172/2013, children, listed in the income tax return of the tax year 2020, not to exceed the amount of 180,000 euros for the unmarried, the liable to widowhood or in the amount of 300,000 euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.
Determining the amount of the allowance
1. For the granting of the heating allowance, the data of the municipalities and settlements of the Hellenic Territory are used, as they are reflected in the Annex, which is attached to the present and is an integral part of it, based on the calculation of the degree days, which are an indicator of the harsh climate. of an area and are used in the calculation of the heating loads of a building and the energy consumption required for its heating.
2. Each beneficiary shall be granted an allowance for the purchase of the currently subsidized types of heating and thermal energy fuels by district heating, the amount of which shall amount to three hundred euros (300) euros, multiplied by the subsidy rate per settlement in which the main residence, as specified in its Annex
3. Each beneficiary is entitled to a subsidy for only one type of heating fuel or only thermal energy through district heating. The allowance is granted on the condition that the beneficiary makes purchases of the subsidized types of heating or thermal energy fuels of a value greater than or equal to twice the above entitled allowance in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, from October 1, 2021 to and March 31, 2022 and especially for heating oil from October 15, 2021, date on which its disposal begins in accordance with circumstance a ‘of par. 2 of article 73 of law 2960/2001. Exceptionally, for firewood, the allowance is granted provided the purchases have been made between 1 June 2021 and 31 March 2022. In the event that the purchase value falls below the above limit, the beneficiary receives an allowance equal to half (1/2) of the value of purchases made during the same period.
Especially for heating oil markets, the value corresponds to the calculated based on the liter price defined herein.
The price of 1.16 euros per liter is set for the determination of the value of the internal combustion oil heating markets.
4. It is stipulated that for the cases of the settlements that may not be included in the Annex, for the application of the subsidy rate the Average Subsidy Rate of the Postal Code to which the settlement belongs will be taken. Respectively, for the cases that a Postal Code may not be included in the Annex, for the application of the subsidy rate will be taken the Average Grant Rate of the Municipality to which the settlement belongs. The Average Grant Rate of the Municipality will also be taken into account in cases where there is no settlement within the limits of the respective Postal Code.
The steps that every interested person should take:
1. Expression of interest
2. Choose whether he lives in a detached house or an apartment building
3. Choose if he is an owner or a tenant so he fills in the owner’s VAT number
4. Choose the type of fuel
5. Fill in the Power Supply Number
6. Choose a settlement
7. Fill in the sq.m. of the residence
8. Fill in the IBAN in myAADE