Child allowance – OPEKA: The electronic platform for applications has been launched

The A21 electronic platform has opened and is operational, which will remain open until March 11, according to an announcement by the Organization for Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA).

Beneficiaries of the child allowance can submit their application on the platform of IDIKA ( or through the website, using the personal passwords of the beneficiary in Taxisnet. The eligible amount will be calculated, based on the dependent children, to be declared in the A21 of 2022 and the total family income that the beneficiaries had in the tax year 2021.

Until the submission of the income tax return of the current year, the incomes of the tax year 2020 will be taken into account for the calculation of the eligible amount. In order to be granted the allowance, the application must be submitted definitively and approved. An application temporarily saved is considered unsubmitted and will not be considered.