The Action “Subsidy for companies providing accounting and tax services”
Beneficiaries of the Action are small and medium enterprises, self-employed accountants – tax experts (natural persons) and legal entities providing accounting and tax services, operating legally in the country, have started at the competent Tax Office and are registered in the relevant Registers kept in the Economic Chamber of Greece. until 28/02/2022 and meet the requirements of the Detailed Invitation for Action.
Each Beneficiary (discrete TIN) will be given a one-time total grant of up to € 2,000 in order to digitally upgrade their business.
The payment of the grant will be made available under Regulation (EU) 1407 / 18.12.2013 of the European Commission, de minimis aid (De Minimis) and will be implemented on the basis of the approved Detailed Call for Action, which is an integral part of the Decision. The Detailed Call for Action describes in detail the conditions of participation, the required supporting documents, the way of submitting applications for funding, the process of their examination and evaluation, their inclusion for funding, the eligible costs, the method of payment of the funding, the audit process monitoring the implementation, the obligations of the Beneficiaries and the other terms of the Action.
The start date for the electronic submission of proposals to the State Aid Information System ( is set for Wednesday 9/3/2022 at 12:00 with a closing date on Monday 18/4/22 at 15:00. Applications not submitted electronically may not be supported. In any case, the new application can be submitted until the deadline for submission of funding applications.
The start date for the eligibility of expenditures is set at 1/1/2021. The deadline for completion is six (6) months from the date of issuance of the Accession Decision and in any case not beyond 31/12/2023.
See the Invitation to Action or download it from here.