The freelancers, the self-employed as well as the farmers choose an insurance category for 2022.

The possibility of change – correction of insurance category is given until 31st / 01/2022 and if for any reason there is no change or correction of the selected insurance category, the choice of the previous year will continue to apply.


On the e-EFKA website (www.efka.gov.gr) there is a special electronic platform (https://www.efka.gov.gr/el/asphalismenoi/me-misthotoi/epilogi-asfalistikis-katigorias) through which the insured self-employed, self-employed and farmers can freely choose the insurance category in which they wish to be classified for the new year 2022 (Section Insured → Choice of Main Insurance Class of Auxiliary Insurance and Lump sum Benefits from 1/1/2022).

The choice of insurance category is declared for the branches of Main and Auxiliary Insurance and One-Time Provision in a single application and is valid for the whole year.

It is pointed out that the specific statement for the year 2022 does not include the statement of parallel paid employment, as this feature is provided by a separate electronic service. To access this Service the user enters through the website of e-EFKA: www.efka.gov.gr and follows the route: “Electronic Services” Μη Unemployed Contributions → “Social Security Rights” → “Application – Declaration parallel employment “.

What to look out for when choosing an insurance class
  1. The deadline expires on Monday, 31/01/2022. Until then, the insured can change his choice.
  2. In case no choice is made, the insured remains in the same insurance category that has chosen or joined the previous year.
  3. If you miss the deadline, you can change – choose a different category at any time of the year, but valid for the following year.
  4. Even if you have made a wrong choice of insurance category, there will be no particularly adverse consequences on the pension, since in case of 37 years of insurance it will be 1/37 of this calculation and, of course, can be corrected by choosing next year.
  5. The change – choice must be made carefully, because after its finalization, the contributions become mandatory for the whole of 2022 and the insured must pay them, otherwise they are certified and have surcharges.
  6. For the insured who are included in the supplementary insurance, it is now possible to choose an insurance category for both the supplementary insurance and the provision (lump sum), while the insured can make different category choices for the main and the supplementary insurance. Eg: Choice of 2nd category for main insurance and health and choice of 1st category for auxiliary insurance and 3rd category for welfare.
  7. For the new insured, we recommend -to avoid mistakes- the choice of the compulsory insurance category and the sub-minimum (special) insurance category of 136 euros (first five years).
  8. General Rule: Young insured persons are preferred to choose the lowest insurance categories, while those insured with many years of insurance are recommended to choose medium and upper insurance categories.

It is reminded that for the first time – based on the relevant provisions of the new insurance law 4670/2020 – the Unemployed can freely choose their insurance category on an annual basis, regardless of their income and years of work, determining the amount of their future pension.