E9: The time of submission of the Real Estate Data Declaration changes from 2022 onwards

The Ministry of Finance, with a provision included in a bill that will be submitted immediately for the new ENFIA, changes the time of submission of the Real Estate Data Declaration (E9).

Specifically, from 2022 onwards, the deadline for the obligation to submit a Real Estate Declaration (E9) is March 31 of each year, instead of May 31 that was valid before.

This change was deemed necessary, given the issuance of the Determining Acts of EN.F.IA. in April of each year, instead of the September that was valid before, and the payment of EN.F.IA. in 10 equal monthly installments, with final payment of the last installment in February of the following year.

Through the interventions of the Government and the Ministry of Finance, the new EN.F.IA. it becomes more rational and more proportionate.

With the bill for the new EN.F.IA. which will be submitted immediately, the Government and the Ministry of Finance introduce basic changes in the tax, through permanent interventions with direct benefits to the citizens.

In the difficult economic and geopolitical circumstances experienced by Greek citizens, the second, permanent, reduction of EN.F.IA. by 13% from 2022, forms the, permanent, total reduction of EN.F.IA. to 35% within the 2.5 years of governance of the country by New Democracy, achieving additional tax relief of Greek citizens.

